Der ACstyria Mobilitätscluster repräsentiert ein Netzwerk von over 300 companies in the areas Automotive, Aerospace and Rail Systems - with more than 70,000 employees and total sales of more than 17 billion euros.
The core service of the cluster, which has been in existence since 1995, is the networking and support of Styrian companies along the entire value chain. It sees itself as a link between business, industry, research and public institutions.
- The Styrian automotive industry, with a total share of 31% and a value of goods of over € 8. billion, is Styria's export leader.
- More than 300 companies and 70,000 employees generate around €17 billion annually.
- The automotive industry accounts for 24% of Styria's gross regional product (GRP). - one in four euros is generated in the mobility industry in Styria.
With more than 180 partner companies, the automotive competence field has been the driving economic and innovation engine of Styria for years. The know-how ranges from the production and processing of raw materials and components to research & development and the manufacture of complete vehicles.
Rail Systems
Mit großen Systemlieferanten, hochqualifizierten Nischenspezialisten und weltweit führenden Forschungseinrichtungen zählt das Kompetenzfeld Rail zu einer seit Jahren dynamisch wachsenden Branche. Der ACstyria vernetzt Partnerunternehmen in den Schwerpunkten Rolling Stock, Fahrweg und Signaltechnik.
More than 80 Styrian companies generate sales of over € 650 million per year in the aerospace sector and employ around 3,000 people. The main focus is on cabin interiors, structural components, powertrains, materials and lightweight construction.
In 1995 a success story started with the foundation of ACstyria in Styria: The then three leading companies AVL List, Steyr Daimler Puch Fahrzeugtechnik and the Chrysler Eurostar plant developed into the ACstyria mobility cluster with over 300 partners from the automotive, rail systems and aerospace sectors - with over 70,000 employees and €17 billion in sales. R&D Qoute today: 12%!

New ecological conditions, changing social structures, new customer groups and usage concepts such as multimodality and new technological possibilities are both a major challenge and an opportunity for the global mobility industry. The transformation of the industry to new services, products and technologies must be used for the economic success of Styria with the involvement of international networks.
ORF Styria reported in a spotlight on November 4, 2020 about the bewegte 25-year history of the ACstyria, from the Styrian car cluster to the Mobility cluster.