Digital Business Model Innovation Framework
Many traditional businesses struggle to conceptualize new business models, or alternatives versions of their current business models. Most literature focus on digital native businesses, i.e. Uber, airbnb, Instagram, etc, as the "poster child" for digital business model innovation and industry disruption.
This workshop is designed to expose traditional and established organizations to simple techniques for looking at their own organizations and releasing the thinking process and some artificial inhibitions. To contextualise the learning the workshop participants apply some of the concepts to a real-world case study. The workshop is concluded with a member of the management team of the company the case study was based on sharing critical insights and a Q&A session.
- Ice-breaker: Pre-Covid Assumptions that need to be reconsidered
- Defining Digital Maturity and the dimensions that make up Digital and Transformation intensity
- Why people are more important than ever
- Ego-centric and zero-sum versus eco-centric and positive-sum business models
- (Digital) platforms
- Frameworks:
- Strategic Assets
- Reinvent your Business Model : Five BM Angles
- Creating competitive advantage : Content + Experience + Platform
- Case Study (work in groups of 3-5)
- Identify Strategic Assets in case study organisation
- Develop High Level Digital Business Model
- Review actual business model
- Q&A Session with a member of the management team of the company the case study was based on.
Organizational Leaders (Executives, Managers) wanting to develop a realistic strategy for their organization that take into account the opportunities and threats created by digitization.
Leo Tomè - Digital Solutions Enabler; Free Thinker; Lover of Innovation and Digitalisation
MBA, M.Sc.Eng
Leo assists organizations with digital transformation. Bridging the gap between strategy, roadmap, and implementation. He has also facilitated related MIT Sloan online courses since 2016, and is currently facilitating Digital Business Strategy : Harnessing Our Digital Future
4 hours | from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
October, 5th, 2023
at least 10 people
ACstyria Mobilitätscluster GmbH | Parkring 1 | 8074 Raaba-Grambach
ACstyria Partner Ticket € 450,- (exkl. VAT)
Regular Ticket € 640,- (exkl. VAT)